I wanted to drop you a brief note to thank you for your work on the sale of our house. You do not know a lot about me, but for 35 years I have been involved in consulting with clients. I like to feel I know a good deal about the delivery of high end services. Your work on the sale of our house has, in my view, been an explementary example of delivering high end services. By that I mean you have done the following:
• You achieved a sale of my house in two months, something 5 previous realtors could not achieve over four years.
• You told me what I needed to do to sell the house.
• You told me that knowing that not everything you said has been what I wanted to hear, but needed to hear.
• When I disagreed, such as the backsplash, you have stood your ground, but given me alternatives.
• When I stated my limitations in doing what needs to be done, such as I could not be on the ground for managing the changes, you have taken ownership to get done what needed to be done.
• You committed the time and effort to manage the changes we needed to do, including being part of the staging and painting to late into the night on several occasions. Your commitment of time, concern and ownership has been truly impressive in my view.
• You had the courage of your beliefs to make changes such as the painting, clearly communicated your concerns, been aware that I might not be happy with the point and stood ready to listen to my concerns.
• When a sale became a possibility, you have tracked the process, kept me informed of the issues, tracked that I was doing what was my responsibility and been prompt to tell me of my shortfalls. As an example, you were quick to tell me of not making a timely payment to the painters.
• When an offer was made, you have been insightful and understanding in how I wanted to negotiate the sale. Doing so has been helpful for me in looking for a timely resolution of the sale.
• You have proved extraordinarily well informed of resources to address questions that were raised as the inspection and sale proceeded. For example, your guidance on how to address questions on the roof inspection were timely, effective and saved me literally tens of thousands of dollars.
• You have been effective in confronting me when I wanted to a quick conclusion when the best answer was to stand down and wait. Not many people who know me would do that.
As I said at the beginning of this note, I think I know a good deal about how to deliver high-end services. I know enough to find great pleasure when I see it being done as well as it can be done. You have delivered such services and it has been a pleasure and reassuring you were working for me and my interests. Thank you for your knowledge, insights, guidance and courage in this effort. If you ever need a reference please feel free to share this note and my willingness to discuss my experience with you.